QIF Definition | Back to PaypalLog2QIF | ©Intuit Inc. 1996 |
A: The Quicken interchange format (QIF) is a specially
formatted text (ASCII) file that lets you to move Quicken
Note: For Quicken to translate data from a text
file into the Quicken register as transactions, the text file must
be in the QIF format.
Required File Formatting:
Header | Type of data |
!Type:Bank | Bank account transactions |
!Type:Cash | Cash account transactions |
!Type:CCard | Credit card account transactions |
!Type:Invst | Investment account transactions |
!Type:Oth A | Asset account transactions |
!Type:Oth L | Liability account transactions |
!Account | Account list or which account follows |
!Type:Cat | Category list |
!Type:Class | Class list |
!Type:Memorized | Memorized transaction list |
You can force Quicken to import all transfers, regardless of
whether Ignore Transfers is selected when the file is imported.
You must add a line to the file being imported into a Quicken
account. Use a text editor or word processor to put the following
line right after the header line at the top of the file:
Items for Non-Investment Accounts
Each item in a bank, cash, credit card, other liability, or
other asset account must begin with a letter that indicates the
field in the Quicken register. The non-split items can be in any
Field | Indicator Explanation |
D | Date |
T | Amount |
C | Cleared status |
N | Num (check or reference number) |
P | Payee |
M | Memo |
A | Address (up to five lines; the sixth line is an optional message) |
L | Category (Category/Subcategory/Transfer/Class) |
S | Category in split (Category/Transfer/Class) |
E | Memo in split |
$ | Dollar amount of split |
^ | End of the entry |
Note: Repeat the S, E, and $ lines as many times
as needed for additional items in a split. If an item is omitted
from the transaction in the QIF file, Quicken treats it as a
blank item.
Items for Investment Accounts
Field | Indicator Explanation |
D | Date |
N | Action |
Y | Security |
I | Price |
Q | Quantity (number of shares or split ratio) |
T | Transaction amount |
C | Cleared status |
P | Text in the first line for transfers and reminders |
M | Memo |
O | Commission |
L | Account for the transfer |
$ | Amount transferred |
^ | End of the entry |
Items for Account Information
The account header !Account is used in two places-at the start
of an account list and the start of a list of transactions to
specify to which account they belong.
Field | Indicator Explanation |
N | Name |
T | Type of account |
D | Description |
L | Credit limit (only for credit card accounts) |
/ | Statement balance date |
$ | Statement balance amount |
^ | End of entry |
Items for a Category List
Field | Indicator Explanation |
N | Category name:subcategory name |
D | Description |
T | Tax related if included, not tax related if omitted |
I | Income category |
E | Expense category (if category type is unspecified, quicken assumes expense type) |
B | Budget amount (only in a Budget Amounts QIF file) |
R | Tax schedule information |
^ | End of entry |
Items for a Class List
Field | Indicator Explanation |
N | Class name |
D | Description |
^ | End of entry |
Items for a Memorized Transaction List
Immediately preceding the ^ character, each entry must end
with one of the following file indicators to specify the
transaction type.
With that exception, memorized transaction entries have the
same format as regular transaction entries (non-investment
accounts). However, the Date or Num field is included. All items
are optional, but if an amortization record is included, all
seven amortization lines must also be included.
Field | Indicator Explanation |
KC | Check transaction |
KD | Deposit transaction |
KP | Payment transaction |
KI | Investment transaction |
KE | Electronic payee transaction |
T | Amount |
C | Cleared status |
P | Payee |
M | Memo |
A | Address |
L | Category or Transfer/Class |
S | Category/class in split |
E | Memo in split |
$ | Dollar amount of split |
1 | Amortization: First payment date |
2 | Amortization: Total years for loan |
3 | Amortization: Number of payments already made |
4 | Amortization: Number of periods per year |
5 | Amortization: Interest rate |
6 | Amortization: Current loan balance |
7 | Amortization: Original loan amount |
^ | End of entry |
Examples of QIF files
Normal Transactions Example
Transaction Item | Comment (not in file) |
!Type:Bank | Header |
D6/ 1/94 | Date |
T-1,000.00 | Amount |
N1005 | Check number |
PBank Of Mortgage | Payee |
L[linda] | Category |
S[linda] | First category in split |
$-253.64 | First amount in split |
SMort Int | Second category in split |
$-746.36 | Second amount in split |
^ | End of the transaction |
D6/ 2/94 | Date |
T75.00 | Amount |
PDeposit | Payee |
^ | End of the transaction |
D6/ 3/94 | Date |
T-10.00 | Amount |
PJoBob Biggs | Payee |
MJ.B. gets bucks | Memo |
LEntertain | Category |
A1010 Rodeo Dr. | Address (line 1) |
AWaco, Tx | Address (line 2) |
A80505 | Address (line 3) |
A | Address (line 4) |
A | Address (line 5) |
A | Address (line 6) |
^ | End of the transaction |
Investment Example
Transaction Item | Comment (not in file) |
!Type:Invst | Header line |
D8/25/93 | Date |
NShrsIn | Action (optional) |
Yibm4 | Security |
I11.260 | Price |
Q88.81 | Quantity |
CX | Cleared Status |
T1,000.00 | Amount |
MOpening | Balance Memo |
^ | End of the transaction |
D8/25/93 | Date |
NBuyX | Action |
Yibm4 | Security |
I11.030 | Price |
Q9.066 | Quantity |
T100.00 | Amount |
MEst. price as of 8/25/93 | Memo |
L[CHECKING] | Account for transfer |
$100.00 | Amount transferred |
^ | End of the transaction |
Memorized List Example
Transaction Item | Comment (not in file) |
!Type:Memorized | Header line |
T-50.00 | Amount |
PJoe Hayes | Payee |
MRent | Memo |
KC | Check transaction |
^ | End of the transaction |
T-25.00 | Amount |
T-25.00 | Company Payee |
LTelephone | Category |
KP | Payment transaction |
^ | End of the transaction |
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